You Know Alot About Monsters Monster Squad

The Monster Squad is a 1987 picture directed by Fred Dekker and written by Dekker and Shane Blackness. The film follows the exploits of a grouping of genre-savvy kids who seek to cease Dracula — and a host of other infamous movie monsters — from finding a mystical amulet and bringing about The End of the World every bit We Know It.

The picture show was an out-of-print classic for a long fourth dimension, but was given a new spiffy DVD release in time for its twentieth anniversary (with a Blu-ray release two years later). The makeup and special furnishings work on this film is a lesser-known effort of the late Stan Winston (who is improve known for the frighteningly realistic puppets from classics such as the Terminator and Jurassic Park films).

Not to be confused with the Sat morning time TV evidence.

Tropes plant in this film include:

  • Action Prologue: The moving picture begins with a prologue of Van Helsing trying to stop Dracula and his minions.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In his films, Gillman was a Tragic Monster who only became trigger-happy after being provoked by humans, Hither, he is a participant in Dracula'southward plan for the monsters to accept over the world.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Sure, Gill-man kills numerous police officers, only a unmarried shotgun smash is enough to kill it. Compare this with him surviving numerous times being shot throughout his original trilogy and surviving just about each time.
  • Adult Fearfulness: Sean's dad is told by Dracula that he'll come subsequently his son.
  • Affably Evil: Dracula tin can come up across this way when talking to his boyfriend monsters, peculiarly Frank and the Wolfman. But when he'due south dealing with people...
  • All Men Are Perverts: Subverted by most of the Team, including Franky. But Rudy (and by blow, Franky) takes the pictures of the Girl Adjacent Door, since the boys aren't one-time plenty to accept those kind of feelings yet (They don't really sympathise what a virgin is), and one of them is said girl'south blood brother!
  • All Girls Desire Bad Boys: Inverted. Bad boy Rudy has a major crush on Patrick's sister Lisa.
  • All Germans Are Nazis: Teased with the Scary German Guy, but he turns out to exist the verbal opposite - a concentration military camp survivor.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: After Detective Del Crenshaw fails to subdue Dracula, the vampire twists the pocketknife by warning, "I will have your son."
  • Artifact of Death: The Amulet may be full-bodied practiced only information technology's but every bit dangerous to innocents as to monsters, equally the opening scene shows us.
  • A-Squad Montage: There is a montage of the heroes using their skills to plan the assault on Dracula and his minions set to "Stone Until You Driblet"
  • Allurement-and-Switch: After catching the boys snooping around his business firm, Scary German Guy is next seen brandishing a knife in what seems to be a threatening mode... until information technology turns out that he's really just serving them some home-fabricated pie, having welcomed them into his house and happily discussing legends of monsters with them.
  • Boxing Aureola: Dracula displays one earlier he lays waste to the local cops. No CGI, merely Duncan Reghr's acting!
  • Large Bad: Dracula's tendency to lead any Monster Mash continues here.
  • Big Damn Heroes: At the end of the movie Abraham Van Helsing emerges to pull Dracula into Limbo and end Dracula'due south reign of terror forever.
  • Big "NO!": Dracula lets one out as he is sucked into Limbo.
  • Black Dude Dies Offset: But he does get the consolation prize of best monster movie death ever: blown up with a stick of dynamite past Dracula. Besides, he's only the kickoff named character to dice - several un-named groundwork people die get-go. And Sapir does make information technology a skilful 2-thirds through the movie.
  • Bloodstained Drinking glass Windows: The kids try to invoke this trope, but the church door is padlocked shut.
  • Torso Horror: Wolfman after he's diddled apart by dynamite. He is notwithstanding awake and enlightened, though he somewhen pulls himself together... there's merely one way to kill a werewolf after all.
  • Irksome, merely Applied: Dracula discovers the kids interfering with his plans, and what power does the Prince of Darkness employ? He throws a stick of dynamite in their treehouse.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Both inverted and played direct. In one case transformed, the Wolf Man is completely subservient to Dracula; when a homo, Dracula keeps him tied up and tranquilized When he escapes, he calls the police - specifically, Del Crenshaw - to warn them about Dracula and his concluding words are a warning to Del that Dracula is after his son.
  • Brick Joke: Eugene writes a distress notation about monsters early in the flick. In the end, the Regular army shows upwards too late, but fully prepared to fight back a monster set on based on the crayon message of a child.
  • Bully Hunter: Rudy notices Horace, aka "Fat Child", getting picked on. He'due south not pleased and he turns the tables on Horace'due south tormentors.
  • Tin can't You Read the Sign?: Sean wrote "No Girls Allowed" on the door of his treehouse.

    Phoebe: Mom says you have to let me in the club or else it'southward prescription!
    Sean: That's "discrimination", jerkoid! Prescription is drugs, which you're on if you think you're getting in here!

  • Catchphrase: Frankenstein's monster is very fond of the word "artificial." He even says it in his Moment of Awesome.
  • The Cavalry: Non the Army; they arrive too late. Simply Van Helsing shows up just in fourth dimension to drag Dracula to the other side.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: The army shows up after everything is settled.
  • Chekhov's Skill: In an early scene, Patrick mentions that his sister takes German in high school. This is the principal reason the Team enlists her to read out the amulet'southward ritual afterward. However this is subverted, considering Lisa is actually really bad at German (even with Scary German Guy's on-the-spot tutoring it takes her several attempts to go through information technology), not to mention she's not actually a virgin.
  • Classical Movie Vampire: Dracula follows a lot of his popular depictions, appearing every bit a suave man in black with swell hair and a stylish cape.
  • Classy Cane: Dracula sometimes carries one in the first deed. It turns out to have 2 electrodes hidden in the head, and the torso turns into a lightning rod, in social club to let Dracula to bring Frankenstein back to life.
  • Clothing Impairment: Happens the kickoff time the Wolfman wolfs out in an ambulance: claws burst from his shoes.
  • Comically Missing the Indicate:
  • Cool Auto:
    • The black hearse with a silver skull hood-ornament. Very cool.
    • Scary High german Guy's Land Rover, too.
  • Absurd Old Guy: Scary High german Guy is bitchin'!
  • Cool Shades: Rudy wears sunglasses.
  • Catholic Keystone: The Amulet, which tin can be used to open a portal to Limbo and is only vulnerable to beingness destroyed once every hundred years.
  • Curse Cut Short: "Holy shi- Cow! Cow!" justified as Sean's in the kitchen with his mother.
  • Danger Takes A Back Seat: The homo who becomes the Wolfman causes an incident at the police station when he tries to get the cops to lock him upwards, and when he grabs an officeholder'due south gun he'due south shot several times and evidently dies. He's taken abroad in an ambulance and transforms during the ride, grabbing the driver from backside and killing him.
  • Description Cut: While investigating a disappearance at a museum, Sean's dad remarks, "2000-year-old dead guys do non get upward and walk away past themselves!" Cut to the mummy shambling off through a deserted street.
  • Developing Doomed Characters: Detective Sapir is Del Crenshaw'due south partner, and black as well, simply he gets a decent amount of screen time, evidence of his law work, and some good barrack with Del, before his absolutely rather stylish expiry scene.
  • Does This Remind Y'all of Anything?: Dracula slowly walks upward to 6-year-old Phoebe and caresses her cheek earlier grabbing her.
  • Dramatic Gun Erect: Horace does a dramatic gun erect subsequently killing the Gill-Human and while responding to the other kids again calling him "Fat Kid," maxim, "My proper noun... is Horace!"
  • The Dreaded: Rudy is this to the bullies at his school. They panic just from the sight of him.
  • Drive-In Theater: Sean lives near one, and occasionally takes to the roof to catch costless movies with his dad.
  • Deus ex Machina: when Sean, Franky, and Fat Kid are in the Shadowbrook mansion. The Wolfman's coming towards them from the left, the three brides from the right, and Dracula'south coming straight at them. Sean turns around and starts scrabbling at the alcove behind them and the statue in it.

    Fat Kid(panicked): What are you doing???

    Sean (desperate): Oasis't yous read The Hardy Boys? You lot pull some lever and a hole-and-corner door opens!

    Sean: Do yous have any ameliorate ideas?

    • Then he pulls the arm of the statue... and a secret door spills them into the secret passage leading to the amulet. The passage itself is justified, as Van Helsing'due south followers took the amulet to the new earth and congenital the mansion to hide the amulet from Dracula. But Sean finding the passage at that very moment is most definitely this trope.
  • Dying equally Yourself: The Wolfman, who thanks Rudy with his dying breath.
  • Eat That: Rudy forces E.J., leader of the bullies picking on Horace, to apologize and eat the smashed up Snickers bar without cleaning off the dog dirt E.J. dropped it in in front of the other school kids.

    Rudy: Y'all dropped your candy bar, Due east.J.

    East.J: It's his!

    Rudy: It'southward yours, now.

    East.J.: Rudy...

    Rudy: Eat.

    East.J.: Rudy i'chiliad not gonna...

    Rudy: Eat upwards! And we'll call it a day.

  • Embarrassing Nickname: Most of the characters refer to Horace as "Fat Kid".
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Scary German Guy is just always called Scary German Guy.
  • Exact Words: The spell that will activate the amulet calls for a virgin. All the same, information technology doesn't say annihilation about an historic period-requirement. note Or technically a gender requirement for that matter, but it was The '80s.
  • Expy: the "Groundhog Day" movies that Sean is a fan of seems to be 1 for several Slasher Motion picture franchises of the Eighties.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Dracula seems genuinely attached (for him, anyway) to Frankenstein. When he finds Franky'south coffin, not only does his Classy Cane prove to have several attachments specifically for waking up Frankenstein, his voice is near tender when he says, "Wake up, former friend. It is our fourth dimension."
  • Facepalm of Doom: The Gill Human kills a cop this way, with one hand on either side of his face.
  • Fanservice: Some is provided past the girl in the window existence shown undressing, who turns out to be Patrick's sister.
  • Fish People: The Gill Man from Brute from the Black Lagoon.
  • Foe-Tossing Charge: Afterwards getting shot mid-flying, Dracula finally decides to stop fooling around and murders a agglomeration of cops without fifty-fifty breaking stride.
  • Foot Focus: We get a Feet-Get-go Introduction of the barefoot peasant girl in the opening.
  • Forced into Evil: The Wolfman's human form. He's shown to be restrained and drugged by Dracula until the transformation kicks in. He still badly tries to warn the authorities of what'south going on.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • 1 that's so subtle it borders on Rewatch Bonus. At an early society meeting, Sean is bemoaning that the diary, possibly by THE Van Helsing, is in German.

    Patrick: My sister takes High german in high school.

    Fatty Child: All your sister does is hang around and permit guys impact her tits.

    • But when the Squad after recruits Lisa to perform the ritual, she'southward then bad at reading and speaking High german that information technology takes several attempts and some on the spot tutoring by Scary German Guy to become through it, not to mention is not actually a virgin.
    • When Rudy's given "The Monster Test" to go a part of the guild, ane of the questions is "Ii means to kill a werewolf". His reply is "Silvery Bullet" and "There's only 1 way to kill a werewolf." Later, one of the Squad shoves the Wolf Man out a window with a lit stick of dynamite shoved into his waistband, but he literally pulls himself together and comes dorsum for more. Turns out in that location really is only one way to kill a werewolf.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: The shot of the picture frame with a photo of the Sean's family has a fissure on the glass. Implying that the wife smashed information technology in acrimony at her husband. Moments earlier, she was shown packing upward.
  • Genre Savvy: The Monster Squad is a group of monster motion picture fans who ultimately use their cinema knowledge to fight real monsters.
  • Genocide Survivor: The titular guild meets the "Scary German Guy," an old man who lives in their neighborhood, who translates Van Helsing's periodical for them and gives them advice about fighting monsters. When they ask if he's met monsters before, he wistfully says he has. The audience then sees a concentration army camp series number tattooed on his forearm.
  • Genre Throwback: To the Universal Horror Crossover films of the '40s such as Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man, which brought pre-existing monsters together onscreen for fiddling reason other than information technology being cool. The Monster Team ups the ante past having five recognizable monsters rather than the usual two or three, but otherwise is very much in the spirit of the classic films.
  • Gentle Giant: Frankenstein is shown to be more goodnatured than the other monsters.
  • Gilligan Cut: "Two-grand twelvemonth old expressionless guys do not go up and walk away by themselves!" Cut to the two-thousand year onetime dead guy, walking away past himself.
  • Good Is Non Nice: The amulet is outright described every bit being concentrated good, but in practice it is a superweapon that indiscriminately sucks both monsters and innocent humans akin into a dimension of the damned.
  • Groin Attack: The kids have an statement about whether the Wolfman has anything "down there". A kicking to the Wolfman'southward crotch later in the picture show reveals the truth of the hypothesis.
  • Guns Do Not Work That Way: During the scene where Rudy shoots the Wolfman with the silver bullet, the bullet in question hasn't been fitted into a cartridge, but nevertheless is even so able to be fired from a police-result revolver.
  • Haunted Castle: An bodily castle, then a gothic mansion, complete with Trap Door.
  • Heel–Face Plow: Frankenstein ends up siding with the heroes after befriending Phoebe.
  • "Hey, You!" Haymaker: "Hey, asshole!" *Wolfman turns around* "Yous looked!" *WHACK!*
  • Homage: The scene with Frankenstein and Phoebe past the pond is a Shout-Out to the original Frankenstein motion-picture show, when a little girl attempts to play with the monster by a lake. In this film, it ends much better for the little girl. Phoebe is even introduced with a daisy, as the original daughter is.
    • Dracula keeps Wolfman at bay with a pikestaff topped with a silver wolf's head. That'southward how both Larry Talbot and the wolf that bit him were killed in the original pic.
  • Humans Are the Existent Monsters: Touched upon when the kids betoken out that Scary German Guy knows a lot nigh monsters. Afterward he agrees that he does and the kids leave, the camera focuses on a tattoo on his arm, which is like to the kind that the Nazis administered to Jewish prisoners during Globe War II.
  • I Am Big Boned: Horace, known as "Fatty Kid", says the following to 2 bullies:

    Horace: Await, I have a glandular problem, OK? At to the lowest degree I don't have a stupidity problem!

  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Sean's male parent shoots Dracula in bat grade out of the sky, with his not-dominant paw, while driving a car. Not to mention Rudy taking out the Wolf Man with a single bullet, though in that case it's implied that his human side took control just enough to hold him however for the shot..
  • Improvised Weapon: Fatty Kid uses a slice of pizza (heavy in garlic) to scar Dracula.
  • Jerkass Has a Indicate: Rudy, Patrick and his sister were waiting for Sean, Fatty Child, and Eugene at the drive-in, already 10pm. Patrick's sister mockingly thinks that "maybe the monsters got them".

    Rudy: Neh neh neh neh neh!

  • Boot the Dog/Precision F-Strike: Dracula is at his cruelest when he grabs Phoebe past the neck and bellows "Give me the amulet, yous bitch!"
    • Horace'southward bullies at school call him "fat", smash his Snickers bar to the ground and then hit him in the face for calling them assholes.
  • Kids Are Cruel: If i were to accept a potable whenever the kids made an anti-gay or anti-fat joke, they'd be very sloshed past the credits.
  • Kill the Cutie: The peasant girl in the opening scene gets sucked into Limbo, presumably remains trapped there for eternity.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Rudy at 1 point asks how the dog has managed to get in the treehouse, equally the gang all put theirs hands together for team formation.

    Rudy: How does that dog become up here anyhow?

  • The Load: The Mummy is completely useless. Makes you wonder why Dracula brought him back to life in the starting time place.
  • Magic Pants: Wolfman has pants that don't tear every bit he transforms so you don't see his "wolf dork"; they can as well reassemble themselves.
  • Match Cut:
    • Rudy's first spit take, which we immediately cutting to a stone thrown at a swimming.
    • The Wolfman grabs the ambulance driver, then we have a woman screaming (which turns out to be a horror moving picture Sean wanted to see).
  • Mercy Kill: Wolfman considers his ain decease to be this, even thanking Rudy when Rudy shoots him with a silverish bullet. Given his complete inability to control himself whilst in wolf form, it's not shocking.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: Scary German language Guy turns out to be very cordial to the heroes and fifty-fifty helps them cease Dracula and the other monsters.
  • Monster Brew: The picture show features Dracula, the Wolfman, a mummy, Frankenstein's monster, and the Gill-Man. The Action Prologue besides features a zombie at one betoken.
  • Mood Whiplash: A major problem with the flick is that information technology doesn't really know if it wants to be a tongue-in-cheek Monster Mash or a family unit friendly adventure film with little horror-flavor thrown in. This leads into awkward moments where the level of gore/body count doesn't really match with the general mood of the scene and funny moments are followed by serious ones with fiddling to no time catch breath in between.
    • Scary High german Guy's implied backstory equally a Holocaust survivor is revealed immediately later a humorous scene of the human being talking about monsters with the kids.
    • Also, the subplot about Sean and Phoebe's parents marital problems. You go from a pleasant mother/daughter moment to Phoebe asking Emily if she's gonna yell at him again ("him" being Sean, merely Emily thought she was talking near Del).

      Phoebe: Are you going to yell at him?
      Emily: (hesitating) Honey, I love your father.
      Phoebe: What? I mean, Sean, for scaring me!

    • A scene of Emily, while still apparently upset with her husband, during the "Rock Until You Drib" montage, is confused when all her silverware is gone. Due to Rudy melting them down to make silver bullets.
  • My Card: The very last line of the movie has Sean give a card of The Monster Squad to the army. Also a Championship Drib and Brick Joke.
  • Mythology Gag: several.
    • The armadillos glimpsed in Dracula'due south castle in the prologue with Van Helsing, are a reference to Dracula (1931), where they were shown crawling about while Bela Lugosi gave Dwight Frye a tour of his castle. Armadillos are ethnic to the Americas and while their appearance in a Transylvanian castle was seen as a goof in the earlier motion picture, they are obviously meant equally an homage here.
    • The airplane Dracula is seen on (and which carries Frankenstein's coffin) has the word 'Browning' on the side. It's a reference to Tod Browning, who directed the 1931 Dracula.
    • The line "Dead guys do not get up and walk away past themselves!" followed past a shot of a dead guy walking down a street is one to Night of the Creeps (1986) also written and directed by Fred Dekker.
    • During the "Rock Until You Driblet" montage, Sean points out the location of Dracula'southward mansion on Shadowbrook Route to Patrick on a map; also on the map is Chaney Higher, named for Lon Chaney Jr., famous for playing The Wolf Man.
  • Nice Chore Breaking It, Hero: Sean's dad got a phone call about a break-in at the museum (the Mummy escaped), his wife who was cooking dinner is unhappy with him choosing work over his family. Leading to their fight later.

    Del: Honey, this is piece of work, it'south important.
    Emily: I'thousand important.
    Del: I dear you.
    Emily: Prove it.
    Del: I'll run into y'all later.
    [Del walks out the door, leaving Emily very infuriated.]

  • No Proper name Given: Scary High german Guy and Patrick'southward older sister are never referred to past their names in the pic. Scary German Guy fifty-fifty lets the squad telephone call him that several times without correcting them. We besides never learn the name of the wolfman's human being course.
  • Nonhumans Lack Attributes: Discussed. At ane point, two members of the Monster Society debate over whether or not the Wolfman has nards. It turns out he does when a Groin Attack works on him.
  • Naught Can Cease Us Now!: Dracula at one signal prematurely boasts that he and his forces can't exist bested.
  • Odd Friendship: Rudy ingratiates himself into the Monster Team by standing upwardly to Horace's bullies for him to go access to the Monster Team'due south treehouse and watch Patrick's sis undress. However, Rudy rapidly befriends the grouping for real.
  • Offhand Backhand: A cop attempts to stop Dracula during the climax. Dracula just punches him in the face and keeps walking.
  • Just Known past Their Nickname: Horace'due south friends and bullies call him "Fat Child". Scary German Guy also seems quite fine with being chosen "Scary German Guy".
  • Opening Whorl:

    I hundred years before this story begins, it was a fourth dimension of darkness in Transylvania, a time when Dr. Abraham Van Helsing and a pocket-size band of freedom fighters conspired to rid the world of vampires and monsters and to salvage mankind from the forces of eternal evil.

    They blew it.

  • Our Wormholes Are Different: At the stroke of midnight, the amulet opens up a blackness hole straight to Limbo.
  • Papa Wolf: Sean's father gets a call that Sean is in danger, and immediately leaps into activeness, eventually fifty-fifty shooting Dracula in bat form out of the heaven!
  • Parental Bonus: A decidedly non-joke example - after the Scary German Guy mentions that he's had prior experience with monsters, the photographic camera points to a strange tattoo on his forearm; no younger viewer would be expected to recognize that as a concentration camp ID tattoo.
  • People in Condom Suits: Done well, thanks to Stan Winston. Many people consider the costume and effects for the Gillman in this film to be the best representation of the Gill Man in film history, despite the fact that he gets very little screen time.
  • Police Are Useless:
    • The police practice goose egg to stop the monsters, at least until the Wolfman informs Sean's dad that Dracula will kill his son.
    • The Army isn't entirely useless, however, seeing as they go upwardly and ready for battle with monsters on the give-and-take of a six-twelvemonth-old kid. They go far later the boxing's already gone downwardly, granted, but you have to applaud the effort.
  • Power Floats: Dracula doesn't need to plough into a bat to fly.
  • Product Placement: Pepsi, Adidas, and Burger Rex are shown prominently in the picture show.
  • Pulling Themselves Together: Wolf Human being's severed limbs can rejoin themselves. See besides Magic Pants.
  • Punched Across the Room Resulting in Dracula being Impaled with Extreme Prejudice.
  • Recycled IN Infinite!: Charles Band's The Creeps is The Monster Squad WITH MIDGETS!
  • Reveal Shot: The Wolfman walks through a swamp, and quickly looks to his right to detect Dracula and the Mummy standing by him.
  • Rewatch Bonus: A subtle one. Midway throughout the pic, the Wolf Man'south human form escapes the mansion and calls the police in an try to warn them; he manages to get through to Sean'southward dad, Del. As he transforms in the telephone berth, his final cognizant words are "He's gonna impale your son". In the 3rd human activity, Del comes face up to face with Dracula, who silkily and menacingly tells him "I will have your son." On a rewatch, you can run into the horror on Del's face as he realizes that this was who the anonymous caller was warning him about - and Del'southward just shot him to no effect.
  • Running Gag: Rudy keeps doing a Spit Take with his potable.
  • Sarcasm Mode: "Possibly the monsters got em."
  • Screaming Warrior: The Wolfman begs to be locked up in a cage so he can't hurt anyone while in his wolf class. When the cops don't take him seriously and instead try to arrest him, he looks out the window to see a full moon is about to form. He gets violent and continues screaming that they lock him upward before he transforms, just to get shot (but information technology doesn't impale him).
  • Sdrawkcab Name: Sean sees the name Alucard on a contacts list at his home and figures out that it must be an alias being used past Dracula.
  • Seeking Sanctuary: The heroes endeavor to seek refuge in a church building...except it's locked.
  • Transport Tease: Rudy Halloran with Lisa Rhoades (Patrick's older sis), equally he'southward seen putting his arm effectually her just before the terminate credits roll. She looks distinctly unimpressed, though.
  • Shown Their Work: Nearly impossible to know if it's this trope or just apparently erstwhile Critical Research Failure, but Van Helsing'due south diary is written in German language, despite the skillful doctor being Dutch. Still, as a human of scientific discipline in the late 1800s, Van Helsing would exist fluent in German, and would nearly probable have written a scientific journal in that language, since that was the international language of scholars at the time, if only because more people would be able to read that than his native Dutch.
  • Silvery Bullet: "Only one mode to kill a werewolf."
  • Slip into Something More Comfortable: Dracula uses the phrase to reference Wolfman's transformation.
  • The Dull Walk: Played deadly straight towards the end of the film, when Dracula brutally beats upward and murders a bunch of cops without breaking his stride towards Phoebe and the amulet.
  • The So-Called Coward: "Fat Kid" Horace guns downward the Gill Man while his former bullies cower and lookout.
  • Spiritual Successor: Minty Comedic Arts argued that it could be seen as a successor to The Goonies with a like group of kids, Frankenstein'south monster beingness Sloth and Mary Ellen Trainor playing a mom in both movies.
  • Spit Take: Rudy, after asked by Sean if he knows any virgins.

    Rudy: Sure, what's upward? (takes a drink)
    Sean: Know whatever virgins?
    Rudy: (spits out his soda)

    • And Rudy again, upon opening up some freshly developed photos, discovers that Frankenstein (accidentally) snapped a perfect pic of the Girl Next Door undressing.
  • Stab the Salad: "Children, your time is virtually up..." *brandishes carving knife* "...Information technology'due south your concluding chance for more pie!"
  • Super Strength: The titular Monsters (relieve for the Mummy). Each 1 of them gets a scene where they demonstrate beingness immensely strong. Curiously, information technology seems to be the Gillman's only power (aside from his Nightmare Face up), as he gets gunned down pretty easily.
  • They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: Horace pulls 1 off as a Moment of Awesome when his former bullies withal call him "Fatty Child", fifty-fifty while trying to thank him for saving their lives:

    E.J.: Hey Fat Kid! Expert job!

    Horace (pumping a shotgun): "My proper name... is Horace!"

  • Things That Get "Crash-land" in the Nighttime: Eugene finds the mummy in his closet.
  • This Was His Truthful Class: When the Wolfman finally dies, he reverts back to his homo form, who thanks Rudy earlier expiring.
  • Token Good Teammate: Frankstein's monster is rather soft-spoken and not actively malicious towards anyone; he even switches sides after befriending Phoebe. Also, the Wolfman's man form, though he can't do much about it.
  • Tragic Monster: The Wolfman and Frankenstein are somewhat more sympathetic than the other monsters. Likewise the Vampire Girls, who, earlier in the movie were terrified man girls locked up past Dracula. And presumably the Vampire Girl in the prologue.
  • Transformation Sequence: Occurs twice with the Wolfman. The 2d wolf-out happens within a phone booth.
  • The Undead: The movie features quite a few undead monsters. Dem Bones, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, Vampires.
  • Unflinching Walk:
    • When Dracula blows up the tree business firm with a stick of dynamite. "Meeting adjourned."
    • Likewise later when he goes to terminate Phoebe at the end, punching out all the cops in his fashion.
  • Unusual Euphemism: The word "dork" is used to refer to the Wolfman's penis at one point. Later, Rudy uses it as a verb ("have yous ever been dorked?") when trying to enquire Patrick'due south sis if she is a virgin.
  • Virgin Power: Required to actuate the amulet. Patrick's sister is revealed to not be a virgin as she led them to believe ("DOESN'T COUNT?!") but little five-year-onetime Phoebe is. Besides, it seems to be an unspoken rule that said virgin has to be female, although admittedly the majority of the main cast - who are incidentally eligible - don't really know what a virgin is.

    Patrick's sister: (to Scary German Guy) You should read it!
    Patrick: He's non a virgin, you stupid!
    Patrick's sister: Did yous enquire him!?

  • Weaksauce Weakness: Rudy kills the mummy by tying his linen wrap to an arrow, sticking it into a tree, and pulling him with a car.
    • Dracula has his archetype weakness to garlic, fabricated weaksauce past Horace burning Drac'due south face with a slice of pizza.
  • Wham Line: Patrick to Lisa when the spell doesn't work: "You're non a virgin, are you?".
  • Wham Shot: How the audience learns the truth almost Scary High german Guy's experience with monsters via the concentration camp number tattoo.
  • Wolf Man: I of the monsters is a werewolf.
  • You lot Have to Believe Me!: The Wolfman'due south human form when trying to warn the authorities of what he is and what's coming. It doesn't help that he's mere minutes abroad from a transformation, nor that he beats up the cops and shooting at the ceiling screaming to be locked up.

"And yeah, Wolfman yet has nards."

Fred Dekker, from the DVD insert


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